
Pretty Pitaya

Oct 14, 2016

It’s been all over Instagram and now it’s claimed to be one of the hottest new superfoods around. So what is it exactly? If you rolled a watermelon, a beet, and a strawberry together (at least flavor wise), you’d get a pitaya (pit-i-ya). This fruit was first discovered in Central America and was then cultivated and brought to Asia. Many call it a fancy dragon fruit, however, most dragon fruit we usually see has white flesh inside while pitaya’s have red flesh. Every part of this fruit provides beneficial qualities to the body. The seeds contain fatty acids, the edible skin is filled with magnesium and the fleshy bit on the inside is chalk full of nutrients including vitamins C and B as well as active enzymes. Not only is it an antioxidant but also pitaya helps neutralize free radicals, boosts energy, immunity and aids in digestion since it contains both probiotics and fiber. Not only is the color of this fruit breathtaking, you’ll end up with much younger looking skin as a byproduct.

With the rise of this fuchsia colored fruit many juice shops have dubbed their own smoothie recipe to showcase this gem. A while ago I took you to Two Hands Café in New York for their acai bowl. With the rise of pitaya it now it looks like the well-known breakfast bowl has some stiff competition. Many places are substituting their acai for pitaya and companies like Pitaya Plus are making frozen smoothie packs to make it that much easier to test out. You definitely don’t have to choose one or the other but should definitely give pitaya a go. Plus it’s pretty photogenic.


このフルーツの色が素晴らしいだけでなく、肌を若返りさせる副産物となるでしょう。フクシャ色のフルーツの登場で、多くのジュースショップは独自のスムージーレシピを宝石箱に入れたように展示しています。少し前、ニューヨークにある、アサイーボールのカフェ、Two Hands Café をご紹介しました。このピタヤの人気で、よく知られる朝食ボールのメニューが競争しています。多くのカフェはアサイーからこのピタヤのトッピングへと移行し、Pitaya Plusといった企業は、それを試すためのフローズンスムージーのパックを製造しています。もちろん、それを選ばなくてもいいですが、ピタヤは是非トライしてみてください。画像を撮ってみても絵になりますね。