
Dry Brushing

Oct 2, 2017

One of the most powerful beauty rituals doesn’t involve a cream or an oil, but a brush. In the shower, a lot of us already use a loofa or a body brush of some sort to exfoliate. However, instead of using it on wet skin with soap or a cleanser, you’d be using it on dry skin, and only dry skin. So how does it work exactly? Before bathing (best if you do it twice a day), gently brush your skin in circular upward motions, then longer smoother strokes. You want to make sure to always begin at your ankles in upwards movements towards the heart- the lymphatic fluid flows through the body towards the heart, so it’s important that you brush in the same direction. Be cautious of softer/sensitive skin around the upper body; never brush over inflamed skin, sores, sunburnt skin, etc. Make sure to shower after to wash away dead skin cells and impurities. Want to take this practice a little further? Alternating temperatures in the shower from hot to cold will further invigorate the skin and stimulate blood circulation, not to mention bring more blood to the outer layers of the skin. Once brushing and showering is complete, make sure to follow up with a moisturizer that will nourish the skin (coconut and almond oil works great).
Now that we know how to dry brush, you might be interested as to why this has become a powerful beauty trend. Dry brushing assists with improving vascular blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. The release of toxins encourages the body’s discharge of metabolic wastes so the body is able to run more effectively. Shedding dead skin cells also helps in smoother brighter skin. It can also help with any ingrown hairs as well. Increasing the circulation to the skin could possibly reduce the appearance of cellulite (any girls worst nightmare). Cellulite is toxic material accumulated in your body’s fat cells. So instead of taking a drastic approach with creams or surgery, try utilizing the dry brushing technique to help break down unwanted toxins. Dry brushing also helps your skin absorb nutrients by eliminating clogged pores. So if you want to help your body and skin shed some layers, help promote detoxification, while improving the body’s circulation. The answer is quite simple- give dry brushing a go.

さて、ドライブラッシング方法を知り、なぜこれが強力な美容トレンドなのか興味を持たれるでしょう。ドライブラッシングは、血管の血液循環およびリンパ排液の改善に役立ちます。毒素の放出は身体の代謝排出を促し、体がより効果的に動くようにします。壊死した皮膚を排出することは、より滑らかで明るい肌へ導いてくれます。それはまた、内方発育毛へも働きかけます。皮膚への循環を向上させることは、おそらく、セルライト(女子にとっては悪夢)の出現を減少させる可能性があります。セルライトは、体の脂肪細胞に蓄積された毒性物質です。 だから、クリームや手術で徹底したアプローチを取る代わりに、毒素を分解するドライブラッシング技術を試してみてください。ドライブラッシングは、詰まった毛穴を取り除くことによって肌が栄養を吸収するのを助けます。皮膚の古い層を取り除き、血液循環を改善しながら解毒をする方法は非常に簡単です。ドライブラッシングを行ってください。