Jam is one of those things that’s super versatile. You can put it on toast, oatmeal, infuse it into homemade granola, or bake it into pastries. The only problem is that jam typically consists of a lot of sugar- hence why I generally stay away from it. However, now that it’s Fall I wanted to recreate some cozy classic recipes- jam being one of them. My jam consists of organic frozen berries (naturally low in sugar), water, and a splash of organic maple syrup.
Here Comes the Superfoods
I love adding Superfoods to my recipes because it’s easy and I love getting the maximum nutrition out of my food. In this jam, I added ground chia and flax seeds. Chia seeds are low in carbs, free of gluten and packed with Omega 3’s, vitamins, antioxidants, protein, fiber, and minerals such as calcium, magnesium and zinc. Flax seeds are also loaded with Omega 3’s, fiber, antioxidants, and minerals, but have the added benefit of hormone balancing phytoestrogens called lignans, all of which help promote a balanced lifestyle.
Together, the make an excellent source of energy and nutrients for lasting heart health and boosted metabolism resulting in the ultimate Superfood. You can sprinkle them into salads, oatmeal, granola, yogurt, stir-frys, and baked goods.
I had a lot of fun recreating this classic recipe. Check the details below for the full recipe!
1. 2 cups of organic berries (I used a mix of frozen blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries).
2. 1/3 cup water
3. 1 tablespoon of organic maple syrup
4. 3 tablespoons of organic ground chia and flax seeds (I like the brand Carrington Farm but it doesn’t have to be ground seeds- it’s just what I had in my fridge at the time).
5. 1 scoop Vital Proteins collagen peptides (optional, but it’s completely flavorless, odorless and provides protein, I added it in mine but it’s not a necessary ingredient).
1. Place berries, maple syrup, and water in a saucepan and bring it to a slow boil. Once it’s boiling, reduce to a simmer.
2. Occasionally mash the berries down with a fork or spatula, and add the chia and flax seeds.
3. Continue to cook until it reaches a jam-like consistency. Usually cooks for about 20-40 minutes depending.
4. *Optional* add in 1 scoop of Vital Proteins collagen peptides and stir until it dissolves.
5. Store in an airtight container and keep it in the fridge, enjoy!
1. 無農薬ベリー 2カップ(私は冷凍ブルーベリー、ブラックベリー、ラズベリーをミックスして使いました)
2. 水 1/3カップ
3. オーガニックメイプルシロップ 大さじ1
4. 磨り潰したチアシードとアマ二シード 大さじ3(すり潰した物でなくても大丈夫です。私は冷蔵庫にたまたまあったので使いました。Carrington Farmの物がお気に入りです)
5. 「Vital Protein」のコラーゲンペプチド 1スクープ(これは絶対に必要ではないですが、無味無臭のプロテインなので私は足してみました)
1. 鍋にベリー、メイプルシロップ、と水を入れてゆっくりと沸騰させます。いちど沸騰したら、弱火にします。
2. ベリーをフォークやヘラで潰して、チアシードとアマ二シードを加えます。
3. ジャム状になるまで煮続けます。20-40分くらいが目安です。
4. ※オプション※ 「Vital Proteins」コラーゲンペプチドを1スクープ加えて、溶けるまでかき混ぜます。
5. 出来たら密封容器に入れて冷蔵庫で保管してください。楽しんでくださいね!