
How To Develop A Healthy Fitness Goal That Fosters Joy, Not Agony

Jan 5, 2022


As January 1st sets in, there are no shortages of ushering in new goals and intentions for the New Year. Resolution and intention setting is an incredible way to set yourself up for success. By becoming clear about what you want and creating a detailed plan to accomplish them, you’re much more likely to execute your goals. However, how many times have you or someone you know set an intention to “become healthy?” Though this can sound like a positive action, the intention behind it needs a bit more attention. If your reasoning is rooted in diet culture and aesthetic purposes, these lofty New Year’s goals can sometimes lead to more harm than good. Even if they originated from a good place.

Understanding Diet Culture:
So what is diet culture? Diet culture is a value system rooted in thinness as worthiness, health, and beauty. It governs that a certain way of eating- and the people who eat that way- are “bad” and others are “good.” If you haven’t noticed, the wellness industry and diet culture are indistinguishably connected because we as a society associate thinness with health. This messaging has been perpetuated by mainstream media, family, and is rooted in various belief systems. The issue with this is that health looks incredibly different on different bodies. Health is not a one-size-fits-all model. Everyone is so bio-individual, so why wouldn’t body type be as well?

If we’re being honest, the vast majority of diets are unsustainable and can even lead to weight gain in the future due to the constant nature of yo-yo dieting. This cycle is what makes the diet industry thrive, which is valued at around $72 billion solely on weight-loss. For every failed diet, a new one is tried, further perpetuating the cycle. When society conditions us to be overtly unhappy with our physique and disconnected from our own physiological cues, we look to “experts” and diets for guidance. All of which is especially heightened at the beginning of a new year.

Are You Fitness Goals Unhealthy?:
So when do fitness goals become unhealthy? When eliminating entire food groups, getting on a strict, disciplined exercise schedule whilst sticking to a regimented diet can all be signs pointing to the start of an unhealthy habit. While many of those examples sound like components of healthy living, they ultimately sound virtuous and leave no room for human error. Which therein lies the issue, diet culture often perpetuates idealized ways of promoting health, which is typically code for weight loss. The issue? Not all bodies are healthier when they are smaller. And for some, constantly engaging in a diet cycle may be worse healthwise than simply being in a larger body. Health should never be synonymous with size or morality, yet it often is. Your health status doesn’t determine your worth or how good of a person you are. Not to mention, access to wellness is often a larger determining factor of your socioeconomic status than self-discipline.

There is no question that setting fitness goals can be an admirable way to care for your body while nurturing your overall health. But it’s paramount to examine the real “why” and purpose behind each goal. While there is nothing wrong with wanting to lose weight or “look better,” it’s important to not conflate beauty with health. As that’s when we can start to go down a treacherous road.

How To Set & Stick To Your Healthy Goals:
As we’ve discussed, it’s essential to understand your “why” behind every goal or intention you set. If becoming healthier is indeed a goal of yours, gaining clarity around what it means to you is your first step. If health means moving more, then great, we agree. However, if it means exercising with the sole intent of weight loss, you’ll probably start resenting it and view it as a punishment instead of an opportunity to hydrate your fascia. When dread and resentment kicks in, you’re likely to not stick to your long-term goals. Ultimately, your mental health may suffer as a result of daily body-shaming and disordered exercise habits.

Find a movement modality that evokes joy, and be sure to pay attention to how your body feels when you’re moving. Using mood, energy, and confidence can boost your motivation to ultimately help foster a much longer-lasting habit. Just because your neighbor loves to run doesn’t mean you will. Walking and other forms of low-impact movement all support healthy daily movement. If being “healthy” means sticking to an elimination diet, ask yourself why. If you’re eliminating a macronutrient or food group without a medical reason or allergy, it most likely is not going to be synonymous with your health goals. Of course, nutrient-dense, unprocessed, and organic foods are certainly good for the body. However, if you’re not enjoying what you are consuming or don’t eat large enough portions to properly fuel your energy needs, you could end up depleted or injured, which is the exact opposite of health.

When approaching a new way of eating, try reframing this goal by focusing on how often you can add in nutritious ingredients rather than focusing on removing foods from your diet. This takes you out of a deprivation mindset and encourages a stronger relationship with your body and intuition. When we’re excited and satisfied with our meals, it won’t take much effort to continue down a path of beneficial eating.

Unfortunately, we’ve been sold this lie by diet culture that if we diet and exercise a specific way, we’ll look a specific way, which couldn’t be further from the truth. Even if we all ate and moved exactly alike, we would all still look vastly different, which is what makes humans so beautiful. Instead of focusing solely on aesthetics, try making specific goals that demonstrate meaningful improvements to your fitness or health, like being able to move without back pain or having enough energy to not need caffeine.

The Takeaway:
When it comes to translating these ideas to your own specific health goals, please remember to pay attention to your purpose and what you actually want to achieve. If improved health is what you truly want, it’s paramount to consider your mental health and needs. Otherwise, you will be missing a large piece of the puzzle and fall short of not being successful with your goals.

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新年が始まり、新しい目標と意図を設定することは有意義です。 決意と目標の設定は、成功のために自分自身のやるべきことを設定することは素晴らしい方法です。 何が欲しいのかを明確にし、それらを達成するための詳細な計画を作成することで、目標を実現できる可能性がはるかに高くなります。 しかし、あなたやあなたが知っている誰かが「健康になる」という意図を何回設定しましたか? これは前向きな行動のように聞こえるかもしれませんが、その背後にある意図にはもう少し注意が必要です。 あなたの推論が食文化と美容的な目的に根ざしている場合、これらの高尚な目標は、時には善よりも害につながる可能性があります。 たとえそれらが良い想いから生まれたとしても。

では、ダイエット文化とは何でしょうか? ダイエット文化は、価値、健康、美しさなどの希薄な価値観です。特定の食べ方、特定の食べ方を「悪い」ものとし、それ以外を「良い」ものであるという定義で支配しています。お気づきの方もいらっしゃると思いますが、私たち社会は痩せている事と健康を結びつけているため、ウェルネス業界とダイエット文化は区別がつかないほどつながっています。 このメッセージは、主流のメディアや家族によって永続化されており、さまざまな信念に根ざしています。この問題点は、健康と体型のバランスは信じられないほど異なっている、ということです。 健康に万能モデルはありません。 誰もが生物として「一個人」ですが、なぜ体型もそうではないのでしょうか?

正直に言うと、ダイエットの大部分は持続不可能であり、ヨーヨーダイエット(リバウンドを繰り返すダイエット)のために結果的に体重増加につながる可能性さえあります。 このサイクルがダイエット業界を繁栄させ、約720億ドルの価値があると言われています。失敗した食事ごとに、新しい食事法が試され、サイクルがさらに永続します。 社会が私たちの体格に明らかに不満を抱き、私たち自身の生理学的手がかりから切り離されていると条件付けているとき、私たちは指導のために「専門家」と食事療法に目を向けます。 これらはすべて、新年の初めに特に高められます。





新しい食べ方に近づくときは、食事から食べ物を取り除くことではなく、栄養価の高い食材を追加できる頻度に焦点を当てて、この目標を再構成してみてください。 これはあなたを剥奪の考え方から解放し、あなたの体と直感とのより強い関係を促進します。 私たちが食事に興奮して満足しているとき、有益な食事の道を歩み続けるのにそれほど努力は必要ありません。

残念ながら、私たちはダイエット文化によってこの嘘を刷り込まれてきました。私たちが特定の方法で食事をし、運動すると、特定の結果を導き出すでしょうか。私たち全員がまったく同じように食べて動いたとしても、私たち全員はまだ大きく異なって見えるでしょう。それが人間をとても美しくしているのです。 美学だけに焦点を当てるのではなく、腰痛なしで動くことができる、カフェインを必要としない十分なエネルギーを持っているなど、フィットネスや健康に有意義な改善を示す特定の目標を立ててみてください。

これらのアイデアをあなた自身の特定の健康目標に変換する場合、あなたの目的とあなたが実際に達成したいことに注意を払うことを忘れないでください。 健康の改善が本当に必要な場合は、メンタルヘルスとニーズを考慮することが最も重要です。 そうしないと、パズルの大きな部分が失われ、目標を達成できなくなります。
