
Is There A Specific Time We Should Be Taking Our Probiotics?

Feb 1, 2022


With gut health being all the rage, you may be considering adding a daily probiotic to your routine. We know that these beneficial bacteria have numerous scientific-backed benefits, like supporting immunity, as 70-80 percent of our immune system resides in our gut, digestion, and so much more. To get the best bang for your buck, and maximize their benefits, it’s common to wonder, when is the best time to take a probiotic? We know to take our fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) with our meals as it’s absorbed better, but does that ring true for probiotic bacteria?

When To Take Your Probiotics
In short, it’s ideal to consume your probiotics when your stomach acid levels are lower, meaning the concentration, not the pH. This can help ensure that these thriving microscopic bacteria can survive and colonize in the gut, where they can then support your gut microbiome and immune system. So, when is that exactly? Due to everyone being different, this answer varies. While the time of day doesn’t really matter, having an empty stomach does. Avoid taking a probiotic right before or directly after you eat. Seeing as our stomachs churn out more acid to help digest our food, we don’t want to interfere with that or have the probiotic bacteria die in the process. One study found that probiotics administered thirty minutes before a meal or at the beginning of a meal were much more likely to survive than probiotics given thirty minutes after a meal when digestion is rapidly occurring.

Why Does Timing And Quality Matter?
When it comes to probiotics, it’s all about survivability. Inside, billions of fragile microorganisms must overcome various obstacles like the manufacturing process, shelf life, if they need to be refrigerated, and the environment in your stomach to reach your intestines, where most of their job is done. So with this said, it’s easy to see why timing does play a role.

In terms of quality, I like a bargain just as much as the next, but buying a cheap probiotic supplement won’t do you any favors. In general, if a product seems too good to be true, it most likely is. It’s impossible to have high-quality, clinically studied ingredients at a reduced price. Like any supplement, the quality matters, and that triples for probiotics. Typically, commercial brands lack the ability and technology to accurately pinpoint specific strains and how much of that strain each dose contains. Meaning, you could be paying for an ineffective or potentially harmful product or dosage.

To help better determine if a probiotic is worth your while, check for companies that use probiotic strains that have been specifically studied in clinical trials at a dose similar to or the exact same that was used in the study. This is one of the only ways to guarantee a probiotic’s effectiveness. It’s also worth noting that when supplements contain an exact number of organisms, this number will eventually diminish. Probiotics are living organisms and can die, especially if that supplement has been sitting on a warehouse shelf or your grocery store shelf for quite some time. Temperature also matters. If a probiotic is being stored in a refrigerator when you purchase, it’s likely that those organisms might already be dead. This is mainly due to the product not continuously being stored at lower temperatures, in warehouses, or shipping trucks when they get transported. Not to mention, companies have to produce probiotics with a higher CFU (colony-forming unit) count in each capsule, just to safeguard the label potency through the expiration date, or in the case of probiotics, the manufacturing date, from two years from that. Sadly, many commercial brands don’t measure up, are unstable in stomach acid, and quality control precautions aren’t intact. Moisture can also be an issue as it reduces a probiotic’s efficacy. Typically, a higher-quality probiotic, one that uses clinically studied strains, can endure stomach acid, releasing its contents within the small intestine, where a more alkaline environment awaits.

To mitigate this, buy from a reputable health care professional or a brand that submits its products for multiple rounds of quality testing. This includes testing its raw ingredients and their final product. Some brands are now using time-released or enteric-coated capsules that are more likely to withstand harsh stomach acid.

The Takeaway
To better optimize the effects of your probiotic, it’s best to take them on an empty stomach when your stomach acid levels are at their absolute lowest. This can be right when you wake up in the morning, 30 minutes before a meal, or a few hours after your last meal, before you go to bed. The quality of your probiotic also matters to ensure maximum benefits. Look for brands that use clinically studied strains and submit their products for multiple rounds of testing.

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プロバイオティクスの効果をより適切に最適化するには、胃酸レベルが低いとき、空腹時に摂取するのが最善です。 これは、朝起きたとき、食事の30分前、または最後の食事の数時間後(就寝前)のことです。 あなたの高品質なプロバイオティクスの利益を最大限確実にするために重要です。 臨床的に研究された菌株を使用しているブランドを探し、それらの製品を複数回のテストてみしましょう。
