Mapo tofu has always had a special place in my heart. It’s one of those comfort foods I grew up eating a lot with my Dad. I have such fond memories of going to traditional Chinese restaurants in Seattle and Japan and distinctively remembering the crackling sound of the hot pots, the smell of sumptuous dishes that were placed before us, and that giddy feeling of knowing what was going to come next. Digging into a boiling pot of mapo tofu along with calms with a peppery black bean sauce and vegetables was a tradition for my Dad and I. It was a cause for celebration in of itself. Recreating this dish has transcended me to those familiar places and feelings and wow, it’s something to be cherished. It always fascinates me how food can do that. Though traditionally Chinese, this recipe was adapted from Sonoko Sakai, who is an incredible Japanese chef. It’s my hope that this dish brings you just as much comfort as it brings me.
麻婆豆腐は私の心の中で特別な存在です。 父と一緒に食べて育ったなじみ深いメニューのひとつだからです。シアトルや日本の伝統的な中華料理店に行って、鍋のパチパチという音、目の前に置かれた豪華な料理の匂い、そして次に何が運ばれて来るかを知っているという、ちょっとうっとうしい気持ちをはっきりと覚えている感覚。これらはとても大切な思い出です。器の中でぐつぐついっている麻婆豆腐の豆豉ソースが少し落ち着くまで待ってから各々の器によそうのが、私の父と私にとってのやり方でした。それ自体が何かの儀式のようでもありました。この料理を再現することで、私はそれらの身近な場所や感情にタイムスリップする、特別な瞬間があります。 このように、食べ物が心を動かすこと、感情や思い出を呼び覚ますことは常に私を魅了します。 伝統的な中国料理ですが、このレシピは素晴らしい日本人シェフである酒井園子さんによって作られました。 この料理があなたにとっても特別なものになることを願います。
Serves Four
For The Paste:
4 cloves garlic, microplaned or finely minced
1 inch fresh ginger, microplaned or finely minced
2 tbsp organic red miso paste
2-3 tbsp doubanjiang (fermented broad beans)
2 tbsp dou-chi (fermented black beans), minced
1 tsp whole Sichuan peppercorns, ground + more for serving
1 tsp togarashi + more for serving
For The Mapo Tofu:
2 pounds (910 g) organic firm tofu, drained and cubed
2 tbsp avocado oil, or any other neutral oil
2 cups of Chinese Oolong tea, steeped
2 tbsp arrowroot powder, dissolved in 1/4 cup (60 ml ) water
2 tbsp tamari
2 tbsp sake
5 scallions, cut on the bias including the white part
Salt, pepper, and white pepper to taste
For The Paste:
Combine all of the paste ingredients together in a medium sized bowl, set aside. You can also make this a few days in advance.
For The Mapo Tofu:
Assemble all of your mise en place.
Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Once boiling, add a few pinches of sea salt. Add tofu and blanch for 2 minutes. Drain and set aside. This will ensure that the tofu doesn’t fall apart while cooking.
In a wok or heavy bottomed pot, heat the avocado oil over medium-high heat. Add the paste and let sauté for a few minutes. Next, add the Oolong tea, then allow to simmer for another few minutes. Once that’s finished, add the arrowroot slurry, increase the heat to medium-high to allow the sauce to thicken.
Once thickened, add the tofu, tamari, and sake. Taste and adjust the seasonings as needed. I tend to add white pepper, and a bit more salt. Once the seasonings are adjusted, bring down to a simmer to let the tofu absorb the flavors for another few minutes. I typically tend to let this simmer anywhere between five to ten minutes.
Remove from heat and serve immediately over rice. Garnish heavily with scallions, white and Sichuan pepper. If you want to add yet another layer of complexity to this dish, drizzle a bit of Fly By Jing’s Sichuan Chili Crisp. It does not disappoint.
Arrowroot powder: Corn or potato starch
Tamari: Soy sauce
Sake: Mirin
Chinese Oolong Tea: Water or Vegetable Stock
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刻んだニンニク 4片分
刻んだ生姜 1片分
オーガニック赤みそ 小さじ2
豆板醤 小さじ2-3
豆豉 小さじ2
刻んだ花椒 小さじ1
唐辛子 小さじ1
豆腐 2丁 2cm角ほどにカットする
アボカドオイルないしはその他の植物油 大さじ2
ウーロン茶 2 カップ
ウコンの粉末 大さじ2 を60mlのお湯で溶いて置く
たまり醤油 大さじ2
酒 大さじ2
火からおろしたら、すぐにご飯の上に乗せます。トッピングは刻んだネギと花椒。もっと痺れるようなアクセントが欲しい場合はFly By Jing’s Sichuan Chili Crispをレイヤーしてください。このレシピはあなたをがっかりさせることはないでしょう。
ウコンの粉末: コーンないしはポテトスターチで代用
たまり醤油: 通常の醤油でも可
日本酒: みりんでも可
ウーロン茶: お水か、野菜だしでもよい