
How To Help Ukraine And Where To Donate

Mar 15, 2022


On February 24, Russia’s president Vladimir Putin startled the world by launching a horrific and unjust invasion of Ukraine. It has provoked a massive evacuation- 1.7 million people so far, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)- leaving many Ukrainians and Ukrainian residents fleeing into surrounding countries like Romania, Poland, Germany, and Slovakia.

The Russian military invasion of Ukraine has brought a long-simmering geopolitical conflict to the forefront of the global conscience. The situation is developing minute by minute as Russian forces move quickly across the country. As the conflict between Ukraine and Russia escalates, many of us are left wondering how we can help. When you’re thousands of miles away, it’s easy to feel helpless in situations like these. With the situation worsening by the hours, the Russian army continues to attack, and Ukraine fights to hold control of key cities. Innocent civilians are at extensive risk, trying to flee the country to find a safe hiding space. With thousands of innocent lives being taken, seeking shelter is getting harder and harder, especially for marginalized individuals who are facing racism while being turned away at borders.

The need for humanitarian aid is undeniable as the nation continues to face casualties and significant property destruction. While donating can be daunting, we found six organizations that need funds to continue aiding those suffering throughout Ukraine. Whether it’s a few dollars or a significant amount, every penny counts. Wellness shouldn’t just be for people who can afford it, but for everyone. And these everyday individuals who are no different than you or I are struggling to find food, shelter, and the security of knowing what tomorrow could bring.

6 Organizations To Donate To In Ukraine:

1.International Rescue Committee
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises, helping to restore health, safety, education, economic well-being, and power to people devastated by conflict and disaster. Founded in 1933 at the call of Albert Einstein, the IRC works in over 40 countries, and 26 United States cities helping individuals survive, reclaim control of their future, and strengthen their communities. The IRC is currently on the ground in Poland and Ukraine, preparing to support displaced families. By donating, you will help the IRC provide food, medical care, and emergency supplies to refugee families in countries like Ukraine, Afghanistan, Syria, and Yemen.

2. World Central Kitchen
Founded in 2010 by James Beard award-winning chef José Andrés, World Central Kitchen (WCK) is first on the frontlines. They provide meals in response to humanitarian, climate, and community crises while working to build resilient food systems with locally-led solutions. WCK has served more than 60 million fresh meals to people impacted by crises around the world. WCK’s Resilience Programs strengthen food and nutrition security by training chefs and school cooks, advancing clean cooking techniques, and gifting grants to farms, fisheries, and small food businesses while providing educational and networking opportunities. They have currently been on the ground in Ukraine and neighboring countries since the end of February, providing three meals a day to anyone who needs it.

3. Airbnb
For the past eight years, Airbnb has helped people in times of crisis through the Open Homes initiative. Airbnb.org is their next chapter- a nonprofit with a mission to unlock the power of sharing space, resources, and support in times of need. Airbnb.org helps give grants to nonprofits that connect people to temporary housing, resources, and specialized support in times of need. They also provide access to free and discounted housing offered by the Airbnb host community. Currently, some people have found novel ways to get money to Ukrainians by booking immediate Airbnb stays they don’t intend to use. While this solidarity-booking sensation appears to have been a grassroots effort, Airbnb has offered short-term housing for free for up to 100,000 of those fleeing Ukraine. CEO Brian Chesky has also stated that the company has suspended its operations in Russia and Belarus.

4. The Ukrainian Red Cross
With thousands of injuries caused by Russia’s attack, there’s a critical need for blood donations in Ukraine right now. However, you can also donate funds to support the Ukrainian Red Cross’ humanitarian work, from aiding refugees to training doctors. According to their website, all of the funds will be used to help those in need, affected by armed conflict, blood collection, mobilization of volunteers and resources, and emergency activities.

5. UNICEF Ukraine
UNICEF is working tirelessly to scale up life-saving programs for children. On March 5, the first batch of humanitarian supplies arrived in western Ukraine, from UNICEF’s Global Supply and Logistics Hub in Copenhagen. Including but not limited to COVID-19 PPE, medical supplies, medicine, and first aid kits. UNICEF’s work in Ukraine has focused on safeguarding children’s rights to safety, health, education, psychosocial support, protection, water, and sanitation services.

6. Nova Ukraine
Nova Ukraine is a registered nonprofit dedicated to raising awareness about Ukraine in the U.S. as well as throughout the world, providing humanitarian aid to Ukraine. They rely on volunteers in the U.S. and Ukraine and provide citizens with everything from baby food, to hygiene products, to clothes and household supplies.

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国が死傷者と重大な財産の破壊に直面し続けているので、人道援助の必要性は否定できません。 寄付は困難な場合がありますが、ウクライナ全土で苦しんでいる人々を支援し続けるために資金を必要とする6つの組織が見つかりました。 数ドルであろうとかなりの金額であろうと、すべてのペニーが重要です。 ウェルネスは、それを買う余裕のある人だけでなく、すべての人のためのものでなければなりません。 そして、あなたや私と何ら変わらないウクライナの人々は、食べ物、避難所、そして明日がどうなってしまうのか、近い将来の安全性を見つけることに苦労しています。


国際救助委員会(IRC)は、世界の人道的危機に対応し、紛争や災害で荒廃した人々の健康、安全、教育、経済的幸福、権力の回復を支援しています。 1933年にアルバートアインシュタインの呼びかけで設立されたIRCは、40か国以上、米国の26の都市で活動し、個人の生存、支配からの回復、コミュニティの強化を支援しています。 IRCは現在、ポーランドとウクライナで活動しており、避難民の家族を支援する準備をしています。寄付することで、IRCがウクライナ、アフガニスタン、シリア、イエメンなどの国の難民家族に食糧、医療、緊急物資を提供するのを支援します。

ジェームズビアード賞を受賞したシェフ、ホセアンドレによって2010年に設立されたワールドセントラルキッチン(WCK)は、最前線に立っています。彼らは、人道、気候、地域社会の危機に対応して食事を提供すると同時に、地域主導のソリューションで回復力のあるフードシステムの構築に取り組んでいます。 WCKは、世界中の危機の影響を受けた人々に6000万食以上の新鮮な食事を提供してきました。 WCKのレジリエンスプログラムは、シェフや学校の料理人を訓練し、クリーンな調理技術を進歩させ、教育やネットワーキングの機会を提供しながら、農場、水産業、小規模食品企業に助成金を贈ることにより、食品と栄養の安全を強化します。彼らは現在、2月末からウクライナと近隣諸国に出向き、それを必要とする人に1日3回の食事を提供しています。

3. Airbnb
過去8年間、AirbnbはOpenHomesイニシアチブを通じて危機の際に人々を支援してきました。 Airbnb.orgは彼らの新たな章をスタートしました-必要なときにスペース、リソース、サポートを共有することを使命とする非営利団体です。 Airbnb.orgは、必要なときに人々を仮設住宅、リソース、および専門的なサポートに接続する非営利団体に助成金を提供するのに役立ちます。また、Airbnbホストコミュニティが提供する無料および割引住宅へのアクセスも提供します。現在、一部の人々は、使用するつもりのないAirbnbの即時滞在を予約することで、ウクライナ人にお金を稼ぐための斬新な方法を見つけました。この連帯予約の感覚は草の根の努力かのように見えますが、Airbnbはウクライナから逃げる人々のうち最大10万人に無料で短期住宅を提供しています。 CEOのBrianCheskyは、同社がロシアとベラルーシでの事業を停止したとも述べています。


ユニセフは、子供たちの救命プログラムを拡大するためにたゆまぬ努力をしています。 3月5日、人道支援物資の最初のバッチがユニセフからウクライナ西部に到着しました。COVID-19 PPE、医薬品、医薬品、および応急処置キットが含まれますが、これらだけに限定されません。ユニセフのウクライナでの活動は、安全、健康、教育、心理社会的支援、保護、水、衛生サービスに対する子どもの権利の保護に焦点を当てています。

6. ノヴァウクライナ
