The seamless ability to move freely and stretch in any way is something that most of us don’t even think about. However, if you have ever pinched a nerve, slept in a weird position, or experienced chronic pain, then you know all too well how important preventing this from happening is. Our hips are dynamic and an impressive part of our anatomy. They are robust enough to support our stability, keep us moving, and help birth children. The fundamental muscles in our hips, like the hip flexors, glutes, and hamstrings, are an influential group that carries quite a bit of force. And when our hips hurt, we really notice the ramifications.
There are no shortcuts to getting rid of debilitating pain. Contrary to what one might think, it doesn’t take a sizable injury to cause extensive issues. Sometimes, the most primitive habits can lead to muscle imbalances and alignment issues, like not tucking in your tailbone when you walk or sitting on your wallet. All of which puts excessive stress in one area and can hurt the hips over time. While it’s terrific to increase your range of motion, issues begin to arise when we are routinely putting our hips in the same positions for prolonged periods. This can happen from trying a new workout that might be too aggressive, lifting something improperly, or sitting unevenly.
Three Habits To Stop Doing To Avoid Hip Pain:
1.A Sedentary Lifestyle:
Sitting is a colossal offender when it comes to long-term hip pain. So much so that global studies show we sit for an average just shy of eight hours a day, according to Prolonged sitting can cause muscle degeneration and pain not only in our hips but also in our legs, glutes, back, and necks. To combat preventable alignment issues, we must make a conscious effort to stand more throughout the day. Thus, helping our muscles reactivate and bringing circulation back into the body.
How you sit also matters, subtle things we do daily like crossing our legs, leaning to one side, and having a foot perched on a chair while sitting can cause imbalances that lead to tight muscles and potential tendinitis.
While it’s crucial to implement ways to fit in more movement, we don’t advise to overdo it. If you’re someone who sits for the greater part of your day, immediately switching to a standing desk isn’t going to solve all of your problems. It can worsen pain if already triggered. Try standing for 30 minutes every hour. This can include a short walk around your neighborhood, switching to a standing desk periodically, or stretching.
2. Sleeping On The Same Side:
Have you ever had hip discomfort from sleeping? Most of us can attest to this if we’ve been sleeping in the same position for too long. While your mattress could be to blame, being too soft or too hard, sleep posture can also warrant pain. Continuously sleeping in the same position can cause certain hip conditions such as bursitis or inflammation in your hip joints.
However, if you’re a side sleeper, no need to panic just yet. According to the Sleep Foundation, side sleeping is said to be one of the healthiest sleep positions. Why? Simply because of its ability to improve spinal alignment. If you’re experiencing pain in this position, try sleeping with a pillow in between your legs, using a body pillow, and ensuring you have the right mattress for your needs. All of these tools can help with alignment and help soothe those morning aches and pains.
3. Overusing Muscles:
Just like any workout or exercise routine, jumping in full steam without proper conditioning can lead to injury and pain, specifically in your lower region. Though HIIT workouts are uber-trendy and get the heart pumping, performing moderate to high impact exercises without stretching could cause a slew of issues. Without utilizing rest days and hip-opening stretches, you could be doing a disservice to your body.
The Takeaway:
In short, there are a lot of minute habits that we do on a daily basis that can contribute to hip pain. Sitting for prolonged periods, sleeping positions, and the overuse of muscles can affect inflammation. Please see your medical provider if you are struggling with chronic pain and be sure to assess a few of these habits.
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より多くの動きを心がけることは重要ですが、やりすぎはお勧めしません。あなたが一日の大部分を座っている人なら、急にスタンディングデスクに切り替えたからと言って問題が解決するわけではありません。すでにトリガーされている場合は、痛みを悪化させる可能性があります。まずは 1時間おきにに30分間立ってみてください。これには、近所を散歩したり、定期的にスタンディングデスクに切り替えたり、ストレッチしたりすることが含まれます。
ただし、横向き寝が好きな場合は、そんなに慌てる必要はありません。Sleep Foundationによると、横向きの姿勢での睡眠は最も健康的な睡眠の位置の1つであると言われています。なぜでしょう?脊椎のアライメントの改善が見込めるからです。この姿勢で痛みを感じる場合は、枕を足の間に入れるか、抱き枕を使用し、ニーズに合ったマットレスを用意してください。これらのツールはすべてアライメントの調整に役立ち、朝起きた際の腰の痛みを和らげるのに役立ちます。
トレーニングやエクササイズのルーチンと同じように、適切なコンディショニングなしでジャンプすると、怪我や痛みを引き起こす可能性があります。 HIITトレーニングは非常にトレンディで、心臓を刺激しますが、ストレッチをせずに中程度から高い衝撃のエクササイズを実行すると、多くの問題が発生する可能性があります。休息日やヒップオープニングストレッチをもうけないと、自身の体に不利益を与える可能性があります。