
Your Ultimate Guide To SPF And Healthy Sun Care

Jun 17, 2022


We’re about one week away from summer and with it, the promise of better weather, shedding excess layers of clothing, and more outdoor adventures are to come. After what can seem like a drawn-out, long winter, millions of us are saying goodbye to the spring and ushering in summer. While hotter months provide a host of incredible benefits, it also comes with the potential for damaged skin. We would be remiss to say the sun evokes many advantages for life around us. It’s a source of nutrients for our food, it influences our circadian rhythm , can affect moods and emotions, and can provide us with vitamin D. But it’s also the source of about 80 percent of visible signs of skin aging and a sizable cause of severe skin issues like melanoma.

Ultraviolet rays can infiltrate the epidermis, where it damages the skin cells, proteins, and elastic fibers that keep the skin firm. It can trigger melanin production, resulting in dark spots or melasma. It also can affect our skin cells’ DNA, leading to what is known as photoaging. According to Yale Medicine, skin photoaging results from oxidative stress from UV radiation. Before you get the urge to hide under a rock, know there are safe ways to get in daily sun exposure. That’s why we’re here to give you the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to sun care and how to stay safe all season long.

5 Sun Care Habits To Stop Doing Now:

1. Not Utilizing Daily SPF:
We’ve all fallen prey to the deceptive nature of the sun, especially during the winter months when it seems to disappear. Thus, leaving us to believe that it might be okay to skip sunscreen for the day. However, the stark reality is that harmful rays are still very much present, leaving you at risk. Though UVB rays are less intense in the winter, they are present year-round and can be especially harmful in the colder months because they reflect off the ice and other snowy surfaces onto your skin. Not to mention, during these colder months, our skin barrier is more vulnerable to environmental changes. Applying SPF during the day allows your skin cells to repair overnight as they will have less damage to restore.

As for the hotter months, despite the numerous reminders we get to use sunscreen on the regular, the 2020 RealSelf Sun Safety Report indicated that 62 percent of Americans use anti-aging products as part of their daily skincare routine, but only 11 percent wear sunscreen daily. Unfortunately, without applying daily sunscreen, anti-aging serums are a waste of money as they will barely touch the surface.

2. Not Properly Reapplying SPF:
Though any board-certified dermatologist or esthetician will tell you to reapply sunscreen every two hours regardless of your daily activities, it’s especially crucial to reapply after sweating or getting wet.

3. Skipping Your Hands:
Our head, face, neck, and hands are the most exposed to UV rays daily. Sadly, we often forget to slather these areas along with the back of our hands with sunscreen. Though easy to forget, it shouldn’t be an afterthought when it comes to protecting ourselves from daily sun exposure. If you’re worried about aging, protecting your hands is a must. Because the skin on our scalps and hands is increasingly thinner, they aren’t as resilient, further allowing the skin’s elasticity to degrade quicker.

4. Sunbathing And Tanning Beds:
Since we aren’t living in the early 2000s anymore, you would think that sunbathing and tanning beds were a thing of the past. But that just isn’t the case. If you’re sitting outside baking in the midday sun or laying in a tanning bed thinking you’ve done your part in protecting yourself, think again. SPF will only safeguard you to a certain degree, and while sunshine is incredible for so many things, there are safer ways to get it this summer. Slathering yourself in sunscreen isn’t a perfect solution and comes with user errors (more on this later). I cannot stress this enough, but topicals will not block all UV rays, even if you are using them flawlessly.

5. Using Photosensitive Ingredients During The Day:
Trendy skincare ingredients like retinol, various acids, and some essential oils are known to be photosensitive. This means they increase your skin’s sensitivity to the sun and should only be used at night.

5 Sun Care Habits To Start Doing Now:

1. Master Proper Application Methods:
Sunscreen is hyper-dependent on user behavior. A few prevalent things people get wrong about sunscreen are the amount they use and how it’s applied. For it to be effective, you need the proper amount. Even if you’re using a moisturizer or foundation with SPF 40, that number can quickly diminish if you’re not using enough. So how much sunscreen should you apply? The SPF of any product is solely based upon using two milligrams per centimeter-squared, which equates to about half a teaspoon for the entire face. Other dermatologists go by the two-finger rule. Using the pointer and middle finger, apply your sunscreen down the length of both fingers. Remember that less product used equals less SPF you actually have on. As for the body, the American Academy of Dermatology recommends using roughly 1 ounce of sunscreen, which is enough to fill up a shot glass. If you need help finding the right sunscreen for your needs, let this list serve as a resource.

However, it’s not just about how much you use, but how you apply it. Note that sunscreen may look and feel like a body lotion, but it shouldn’t be rubbed in like one. Despite what you may think, massaging it into your skin only allows it to penetrate the top layer of your skin cells. What you actually want sunscreen to do is form a protective barrier above your skin cells. Try smearing it on very lightly over the surface of your skin. Step away, let it dry and refrain from touching it. After it dries it will help bind to the top layer of your skin rather than going under the top layer.

2. Visit Your Dermatologist Routinely:
A regular visit to your dermatologist to check your freckles, moles, or any other spots is one of the most crucial steps in sun protection. Though it can feel monotonous, routinely going will mean early detection for any signs of skin cancer. If found early enough, skin cancer can be effectively removed and cured. If you’re 30 or above, be sure to get checked annually. If you notice any changes or abnormalities, visit a board-certified dermatologist for proper evaluation. If you have a family history of skin cancers, you may be more likely to develop them yourself, or if you have had a history of sunburns growing up. While it may be uncomfortable to strip down in a doctor’s office, know that this ten-minute appointment could save your life.

3. Be Aware Of Lifestyle Habits:
It’s important to note that beauty and health are holistic. It’s not just looking at it from one point of view but rather from every aspect of your life. That means looking beyond topical products and finding support through your lifestyle, diet, mental health, and more. Sun care at its base predicates your lifestyle. SPF shouldn’t be treated as a hall pass to spend all day in the sun risk-free. Too much sun exposure causes skin cancer, it’s that simple. Sensible sun care requires us to think broadly about our habits and make informed lifestyle choices. This could look like not getting direct sunlight, planning your days around the UV index, and wearing sunscreen along with a hat and sunglasses.

4. Use Proper Sun Protective Clothing + Accessories:
Using proper sun protective attire isn’t something we all think about, but we should, especially if you live in a hot climate. Clothing isn’t just about comfort or fashion. Whether we realize it or not, it’s either absorbing or blocking harmful UV radiation. Besides reapplying sunscreen, it’s a compelling way to protect against sun damage and skin cancer. The Skin Cancer Foundation reminds us that Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF) indicates how much UV radiation (both UVB and UVA) a fabric allows to reach your skin. For example, UPF 50 material can block about 98 percent of the sun’s rays and allows two percent to penetrate, thus reducing your exposure risk significantly. They also recommended always choosing a fabric that’s a UPF of 30 or more. A UPF of 30 to 49 offers good protection, while UPF 50+ rates excellent. This doesn’t go just for clothing but also hats and gloves. Unlike SPF, UPF measures UVB and UVA rays and doesn’t require any reapplication.

5. Use Photoprotective + Antioxidant Products:
We often hear about antioxidants, but what does it mean? If you need a refresher, an antioxidant is a molecule that neutralizes free radicals in the body. These free radicals are deemed unstable because they are missing an electron. And when they are unbalanced, they can easily cause destruction. Sun damage as UV rays triggers a host of free radicals that result in inflammation and oxidative stress. So, arming your body with free radical troops for your skin’s defense can help relieve this issue.

Due to ongoing research, there are definitive antioxidants that have been shown to have photoprotective qualities. Astaxanthin can advance skin photoprotection from UV rays while promoting a healthy inflammatory response. Research shows astaxanthin delays the impacts of UV exposure, leading to less blotchy bright red skin and fewer wrinkles down the road. Another antioxidant is resveratrol, which has been shown to help mitigate UV-induced skin damage. While red wine is often touted as a “health food” due to its resveratrol properties, know that you would have to consume a mass amount to come close to getting enough. However, antioxidant serums and a diverse nutrient-dense diet can help do the trick.

Related Stories:
The 5 Areas You’re Probably Neglecting To SPF
Yes, Your Scalp And Hair Need Sun Protection Too

– 日焼け対策のための究極のガイド




私たちは、太陽が照り付けていないように見える冬の間、太陽の餌食になります日焼け止めをスキップしても大丈夫かもしれないと勘違いしがちですが、現実は、有害な光線が非常に多く存在しているため、危険にさらされてしまいます。 紫外線B波は冬にはそれほど強くないものの、一年中存在し、氷や雪の表面で肌に反射するため、寒い時期には特に有害になる可能性があります。言うまでもなく、これらの寒い時期には、私たちの皮膚バリアは環境の変化に対してより脆弱になっています。日中に日焼け止めを使用することで受けるダメージが少なくなるため、皮膚細胞を一晩で修復することができます。

暑い時期については、定期的に日焼け止めを使用するように多くのリマインドがありますが、2020 RealSelf Sun Safety Reportは次のように示しています。アメリカ人の62%は、毎日のスキンケアルーチンの一部としてアンチエイジング製品を使用していますが、日焼け止めを毎日使用している人はわずか11%です。残念ながら、毎日日焼け止めを塗らないと、アンチエイジングセラムが有効に働かないため、お金の無駄になりかねません。

2. 日焼け止めを適切に使用していない:


私たちはもう2000年代以前には暮らしていないため、日光浴やサンベッドは過去のものだと思うでしょう。しかし、そうではありません。真昼の太陽の下で料理をしたり、サンベッドに横になっているひとは自分の身を守るためのことを今一度考えてみてください。 日焼け止めはある程度あなたを保護しまが、太陽の脅威を完全に遮断できるわけではありません。日焼け止めを塗るのは完璧な解決策ではなく、ユーザーエラーが発生するのです(これについては後で詳しく説明します)。



日焼け止めの効果はユーザーの行動に大きく依存しています。日焼け止めについて人々が間違える一般的ないくつかのことは、使用量とその適用方法です。それが効果的であるためには、あなたは適切な量を必要とします。保湿剤またはSPF 40のファンデーションを使用している場合でも、十分な量を使用していない場合、効果が少ない可能性があります。では、どのくらいの日焼け止めを塗るべきでしょう?すべての製品のSPFは、1センチメートル四方あたり2ミリグラムを使用することにのみ基づいています。これは、顔全体で小さじ約半分に相当します。他の皮膚科医は2本指のルールに従います。人差し指と中指、両方の指の長さ分日焼け止めを塗ります。使用する製品が少ないほど、実際に使用している効果も少なくなることを忘れないでください。体に関しては、米国皮膚科学会は約1オンスの使用を推奨しています。ショットグラスを満たす量が目安になります。ニーズに合った日焼け止めを見つけるのに助けが必要な場合は、このリストを役立ててください。


そばかす、ほくろ、またはその他のスポットをチェックするために皮膚科医を定期的に訪問することは、日焼け止めの最も重要なステップの1つです。単調に感じることもありますが、日常的に行うことは、皮膚がんの兆候を早期に発見することを意味します。十分に早期に発見されれば、皮膚がんは効果的に除去され、治癒することができます。 30歳以上の場合は、必ず毎年チェックを受けてください。変化や異常に気付いた場合は、理事会認定の皮膚科医に相談して適切な評価を受けてください。皮膚がんの家族歴がある場合は、発症する可能性が高い場合があります。または、過剰な日焼けをした病歴がある場合は、皮膚がんが発生する可能性が高くなります。受診予約は億劫かもしれませんが、この数分の予約があなたの命を救う可能性があることを知っておいてください。


日焼け対策の服やアクセサリーを使用することは私たち全員が考えていることではありませんが、特に暑い気候の地に住んでいる場合はそうすべきです。服は快適さやファッションだけではありません。有害な紫外線を吸収または遮断するツールでもあります。日焼け止めを塗り直すだけでなく、日焼け止めや皮膚がんから保護するための説得力のある方法の1つです。皮膚がん財団は、たとえば、UPF 50素材は、太陽光線の約98%を遮断し、2%を透過させるため、露出のリスクが大幅に軽減されると言っています。また、常に30以上のUPFである生地を選ぶことを推奨しています。30〜49のUPFは優れた保護を提供し、UPF50以上のものはより優れています。これは衣類だけでなく、帽子や手袋にも当てはまります。


