For someone who has been dealing with massive gut microbiome issues it’s been really tricky finding things that don’t upset my stomach (hence bloating and feeling really heavy, despite already eating a pretty clean diet). It’s been a year of trial and error of adjusting the foods my body can tolerate, and the quantities it can tolerate it in. Let me tell you, it’s been exhausting and really discouraging. I’ve experienced so much negative self talk watching my own body betray me (hello massive food baby when eating a salad). What I’ve once been able to eat without any problems are now things I have to steer clear from.
Pre-made dressings, sauces, and soups have been almost impossible to find that fit my body’s criteria. So after nearly having several panic attacks in multiple grocery stores I decided enough is enough. Here is my rendition of a vegan, low fodmap pesto. No cheese, no garlic, no shallots, and most importantly, no upset tummy or bloating.
Head over to my website to see more photos!
4 cups loosely packed basil
1/2 cup pine nuts
juice from 1/2 of a lemon
3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 pinches of sea salt (or to taste)
2 pinches of black pepper (or to taste)
1. In a small sauce pan lightly toast the pine nuts until golden brown (2-3 minutes on medium heat). Set aside.
2. Rinse your basil and toss in a food processor (or high-speed blender) along with the pine nuts, juiced lemon, extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper
3. Pulse until everything is thoroughly combined and reaches the consistency you like. Taste to see if it needs more salt or pepper and adjust accordingly.
4. Store in an airtight container in the fridge for 5-7days. Use on pastas, toasts, veggies, proteins, etc!
既製のドレッシング、ソース、スープでは私の体の基準に合うものを見つけることほぼ不可能でしたので、 これが私のヴィーガンの低FODMAPヴィーガンペストでチーズ、ニンニク、エシャロットは一切使っておりません。そして最も重要な点は、おなかに膨満感を持たせないことです!
1.小さい鍋で松の実を黄金色になるまで軽く焼き色を付けます(中火で2〜3分)。 出来たら脇に置きます。
3.全てが完全に結合され、好みの濃度になるまで混ぜます。 味見をして塩胡椒を調節して下さい。
4.冷蔵庫の気密容器に5〜7日間保管します。 パスタ、トースト、野菜、タンパク質などに使用してください。