The holidays are officially here. And just because everyone is reaching for sweet treats doesn’t mean you can’t partake or have to feel deprived. I’ve created a really simple “cookie” recipe you can bring to the office, holiday parties, or enjoy for yourself. It involves a few ingredients and is completely vegan. Also, it’s completely customizable; all you need is bananas and oats. The rest is optional. Happy baking! Xx
2 large ripe bananas
2 cups rolled oats (I like to use gluten free)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
½ cup dark chocolate chips/cacao nibs *
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
2 tablespoon of hemp seeds
2 tablespoon of chia seeds
1. Preheat oven to 350F (176C).
2. In a large mixing bowl, mash bananas until fairly smooth (a few chunks is okay), combine oats and mixed thoroughly. Add in vanilla extract, cinnamon, hemp seeds, chia seeds, and the add-ins you want (see notes).
3. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Then grab a spoon and scoop mixture onto the baking sheet.
4. Bake for 10-15 minutes (just keep an eye on them, all ovens bake differently). They should be lightly golden on the top and solid when done. You don’t want them too hard though. It will feel like a muffin top almost.
5. Move to a cooling rack and enjoy!
Feel free to add in nuts, dried fruit (cranberries, blueberries), coconut flakes, etc to this. It can be as simple or complex as you like it. Vanilla extract is also optional but I personally like it.
ホリデーシーズン真っ只中です。甘いおやつを食べる機会が多いですが、あなたも我慢する必要はありません。私は実にシンプルな「クッキー」レシピを考案しました。オフィスや、休日のパーティー、自分でエンジョイするのも良いですね。 幾つかの材料を使いますが、このクッキーは完全にビーガンです。 又、カスタマイズ可能で、必要なのはバナナとオーツだけです。 その他はオプションで。 ハッピーベーキング!
オートミール(グルテンフリーがおすすめです) 2カップ
バニラエッセンス 1テーブルスプーン
ダークチョコレートチップス/カカオニブス* 1/2カップ
シナモン 1ティースプーン
ペンプシード 2テーブルスプーン
チアシード 2テーブルスプーン