As you may know, I love making my own skincare. Knowing exactly what’s going on my face/body makes me feel much more at ease since the cosmetic and skincare industry unfortunately doesn’t always have our best interests in mind. Also, you get to customize it to your needs! Talk about a mask that can do it all! After giving a mini lecture to the finalists of Miss Universe Japan I received a lot of questions and interest (thank you to all!). It makes me abundantly happy that I can share my insight and help people choose more natural ingredients to help combat with the chemicals we come in contact with in our daily lives.
I’ve included some super simple masks in this post. I like to use manuka honey or coconut oil as a base. However, if you tend to have oily skin, manuka honey is a better option. I could rant forever about the beneficial properties manuka honey, coconut oil, spirulina and other superfood/spices have but I’m going to keep it simple. Manuka honey is a wonderful anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. And makes a perfect mask all by itself without any extra ingredients. Yogurt (especially full fat yogurt) has lactic acid that helps naturally exfoliate the skin and keeps it moisturized like no other. Spirulina is one of the most nutrient dense foods. Containing over 60% protein and its algae keeps our skin glowing. Turmeric is a great acne fighter. The caffeine in coffee grounds help stimulates blood circulation and reduces signs of cellulite (every females worst nightmare). Since the grounds have an abrasive texture, you can use it for exfoliating dead flaky skin. Cinnamon contains antimicrobial properties that can help with acne, redness, dryness, helps alleviates fine lines, and prevents skin infections/cures cuts and wounds. Cinnamon and turmeric make for great spot acne treatments as well. Simply mix some manuka honey and a couple tablespoons of cinnamon or turmeric and create a thick paste and apply to any blemishes. Last but not least is olive oil. It’s a great antioxidant protection (containing vitamin E, polyphenols, and phytosterols). What does this mean for you skin? It helps restore the skins smoothness and protects against ultraviolet light.
Make sure you try and use organic when possible and read the labels. Many companies lie on their packaging and get away with adding extra ingredients that are completely unnecessary. I honestly hate measuring and strongly believe that once you become in tune with your skin you’ll know if you need more or less of a certain ingredient. These recipes are just a base guideline. Feel free to add more or less of a certain ingredient. Let these masks sit for as long as you want (I always let them sit for about 20-40 minutes). The longer manuka honey sits on your face the better (try adding cinnamon to manuka honey as well)! When it comes to the Golden Milk Mask only let it sit for 15 minutes. All of these masks should be washed off with warm water only (no soap). However, turmeric will naturally make your skin a little yellow, do not stress! It comes off (I swear)- it just may take a little extra scrubbing with a warm washcloth. When it comes to the Coffee Coconut Exfoliant notice you can use it on your body in the shower! It will leave your skin so smooth and soft. Double the recipe if you want to use it as a shower scrub. Make sure to moisturize after using the masks, have fun, and let the experimenting begin!
Spirulina Mask
1-2 tablespoons Manuka Honey
1 tablespoon Spirulina Powder
Spirulina Mask 2.0
1 tablespoon Manuka Honey
1 tablespoon Spirulina Powder
1 tablespoon Greek Yogurt
Golden Milk Mask
1-2 tablespoons Greek Yogurt
1 tablespoon Manuka Honey
1 tablespoon Turmeric
Coffee Coconut Exfoliant (mask and body scrub)
1 tablespoon Coconut Oil
1 tablespoon Organic Coffee Grounds
1 tablespoon Cinnamon
ご存じの通り、自分でスキンケア製品を作るのが大好きです。顔や体がどうなっているかを確実に知ることはとても気分がよく、残念ながら、コスメやスキンケア産業のものが一番であるとは限らないからです。しかも、必要に応じて、自分でそれをカスタマイズできるのです!マスクがそれを全て可能にすることについてお話しします! Miss Universe Japanのファイナリスト達に、簡単なレクチャーをした後、多くの質問やコメントをいただきました(ありがとう!)。それは、私の思想を共有し、日常のスキンケアにおいて化学物質の入っていない自然な成分の製品を選んでもらえるように導くことができればとても幸せです。
商品のラベルをみて、オーガニックが使われているか確認してください。多くの会社がパッケージの段階で偽りがあり、完全に不必要な成分を追加しています。正直に言うと、細かく分量を量る事が好きではなく、自分の肌の調子がわかれば、その成分がもっと必要かそうでないかを知ることができます。それらのレシピは、ベースのガイドラインなだけです。自由に、そのさじ加減を楽しんでください。そして、そのマスクを好きなだけ塗っておいてください(私は大抵約20~40分位置きます)。マヌカハニーは塗る時間が長いほどより効果的です(シナモンも足してみて)!Golden Milk Maskの場合いは、15分で結構です。それら全てのマスクは、ぬるま湯で(石鹸は使わず)落としてください。しかし、ターメリックは自然に肌を黄色く着色させてしまいますが、心配しないで!それはいずれ消えます-ぬるま湯に浸した布で優しくこすってください。Coffee Coconut Exfoliantの場合は、シャワーの際、体に使ってください!肌がとてもなめらかで、柔らかくなるでしょう。シャワースクラブとして使うなら、レシピの分量を2倍にしてください。その後は、保湿を忘れずに、楽しんで、検証してみてください!